Terms & Conditions
We do not fly with pregnant women or people under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is both for your safety and for that of our pilots. If you are expecting we encourage you keep us in mind for the future as paragliding in Tenerife is a truly life enhancing experience.
From 4 to 94. The youngest and oldest passengers we can accommodate simply need to be able to acknowledge and understand what is involved with the flight.
Maximum Weight
The maximum passenger weight for flying is 100 kg or 15.5 stone.
Fitness Levels
Anybody that is physically able to jog a few steps can enjoy paragliding in Tenerife with us.
Experience Needed
You do not need any previous experience or specialised skills. Our experienced pilots have been paragliding in Tenerife for many years, allow us to do all the hard work while you sit back, relax and enjoy the experience.
We love the challenge of flying with people with certain disabilities but please contact us personally beforehand so that we can ensure the best possible flying experience.